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“Spiritual awakening” is a term that’s very broad, and can have many different meanings. What it stands for is an experience of sorts.
The experience can be altered states of consciousness or even just moments of enlightenment.
The best way to understand the idea is to explore it through examples.
Whether you’re looking for enlightenment, or are just curious about the subject.
This post will give you all the information you need to know about spiritual awakenings.
Define Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual awakenings can be defined in a number of ways.
Most often, they’re thought of as moments of enlightenment and understanding beyond the limits of normal life.
They may also be seen as a break from your previous beliefs or worldview.
It’s important to note that the term “spiritual awakening” is used to describe different experiences.
For some people, it’s an experience of expanded consciousness through practices like meditation, yoga, or psychedelics.
Others may have an experience that changes their doctrine or belief system.
However you define it, spiritual awakening has been known to result in personal transformation.
It will help you see the world differently and bring about change in your life.
How to Recognize an Awakening
There are many different ways spiritual awakening can manifest. Sometimes, it’s something momentary.
A person might have an experience of unity with all things or feel connected to the natural world in some way.
Other times, it’s not so instantaneous.
A person might start taking courses about spirituality or try to discover their own spiritual beliefs.
The best way to know that you’re having an awakening is if you feel like there has been a shift in your perspective on life.
You may realize that there’s more than just the physical realm, and you’re intrigued by the idea of enlightenment.
Maybe you’ve had experiences in your life when you were truly at peace with yourself, and others, or when you felt like something was missing in your life.
But now there’s an answer to it all 🧐
It’s important to note that these moments don’t need to be sudden; they can happen gradually too.
For example, maybe over time, you’ve started feeling more connected to nature and less connected with society?
Or maybe this shift in perspective is occurring because of a specific event,
Like attending a religious service for the first time? Any change in perspective counts as an awakening!
The Different Types of Spiritual Awakening
There are many types of spiritual awakening, and each one is unique.
Here are three different types of spiritual awakenings.
1) Spiritual illumination.
This is an experience where the individual feels the presence of God or some other divine being and is able to see things in a new light.
It’s often accompanied by “sudden insight into the order of things”
2) A religious experience.
This type of spiritual awakening is something that can be shared with others around you, like during a service or event.
It’s an emotional connection to something bigger than yourself, like nature or music.
3) Near-death experience (NDE).
These are often related with death, but it doesn’t always mean that the person who has them will die.
For example, someone may have an NDE when they’re coming out of anesthesia after surgery.
Each type has different characteristics and messages, which we’ll explore more below. So what do these messages mean?
What Happens During an Awakening
An awakening can happen in many different ways, but there are two main categories: a series of events that happen to you, and a process that you undergo.
There are examples of both of these types below.
In the first type, a series of events might occur to you, or around you.
These could be physical or emotional events that trigger an awakening in someone else.
For instance, when people experience trauma or stress, they may experience an altered state of consciousness which is similar to an awakening.
Other times, something like meditation might trigger this kind of event.
The second type is when someone undergoes a certain process.
For example, when someone gets in touch with their spirituality, in this case, it’s called enlightenment.
The person undergoing the process may find themselves thinking about things differently than before.
(i.e., realizing the meaning behind life).
It’s also possible for them to see things differently than before – for instance, if they were blind until then, after the process they might be able to see again! 😳

Enlightenment is a mental state that can occur in a moment, or take a lifetime to attain.
The feeling of enlightenment can be defined as the cessation of self-doubt, and the presence of an “ultimate truth.”
In other words, it’s the realization that you know something from an internal state instead of being externally told what it is.
Enlightenment usually comes as a result of deep meditation or intense prayer.
It could also come as a result of reading or studying spiritual texts, or having some kind of life-changing experience.
The feelings associated with enlightenment are different for everyone. Some people say they feel closer to God.
While others might describe themselves as being able to see the world more clearly than before.
However you define it, enlightenment can be a life-changing event that helps you find peace and clarity in your life 🙏🏾
Other types of spiritual awakenings (e.g., shamanic, near-death)
There are many different types of spiritual awakenings.
Near-death experiences, where a person has a near-death experience and reports having an out-of-body experience.
But what is a shamanic spiritual awakening?
A shamanic spiritual awakening is when someone has an altered state of consciousness that’s often induced by the use of psychedelic substances such as ayahuasca (a drink made from plants in the Amazon).
But there are other types of spiritual awakenings you might not be aware of.
For example, some people report experiencing an “aha” moment or feeling enlightened after meditation or prayer.
So what is a near-death experience? Near-death experiences (NDEs) can occur without dying; they’re reported by people who almost died, but were saved and revived.
They report visiting another worlds during their near-death experience and seeing past loved ones or scenes from their lives.
The most common type of NDE involves feelings of peace and joy,
but some people also report negative experiences such as feelings of fear and guilt, or scenes from hellish landscapes with beings intent on frightening them,
One type of spiritual awakening that’s been gaining traction recently is the Kundalini awakening.
Kundalini, which translates to “coiled snake” in Sanskrit, refers to the energy that lays dormant, at the base of the spine.
It can cause a variety of experiences and symptoms when it rises or awakens.
What happens after the awakening?
What do you think happens after an awakening?
The answer is never the same. It’s impossible to predict what will happen after the experience of a spiritual awakening.
Some people say that they feel more connected to themselves and others, and some feel like they’re more aware of their surroundings.
Some people go on to claim that their lives have changed for the better.
They’ve become more mindful, kind, understanding, or even happier.
Others say that they experienced negative side-effects; depression or anxiety can be common reactions to spiritual awakenings.
But there is one thing we know for sure: Once you’ve had a spiritual awakening, your life will never be the same again.
Related Article: 10 Signs of Spiritual Enlightenment & Awakening
The healing phase
Spiritual awakenings can occur in many different ways, and not all of them are pleasant.
Some people experience a spiritual awakening as intense healing or catharsis that may come with much pain and anger.
This type of life-changing event is usually very dramatic and powerful, which is why it’s often considered to be an “awakening.”
It can trigger difficult emotions such as grief or anger, but it’s also releasing years of accumulated trauma that have been inhibiting your growth.
What does this mean for you? It means that even though the process is difficult.
It’s absolutely necessary for your well-being.
You’ll find yourself feeling better overall after the experience because you’ll have finally had the opportunity to release these old traumas.

Integration phase
One of the most common spiritual awakening experiences is a sense of unity.
This experience has been termed the “integration phase,” and can often cause an individual to have a fundamental change in perspective.
In the integration phase, the individual will come to realize that there is no separation between themselves and other people.
They’ll no longer feel like they exist as a separate entity from the world around them.
In this state, it’s not uncommon for someone to start seeing their own thoughts as separate from who they truly are.
This sense of unity can be difficult for some people to accept.
It can sometimes cause a person to feel overconfident in their newfound understanding and may lead them to think that they know everything there is to know about spirituality or reality in general.
They may also feel like they don’t need any help from others anymore because they already have all the answers within themselves.
In order for this type of understanding to truly last, it’s important for an individual to work with others who share their beliefs and values.
This way, when one person’s perspective shifts again, another person will continue guiding them on their journey.
As you can see, spiritual awakening is an extraordinarily complex and nuanced topic, it’s not something that you can learn to do, it’s something that happens to you.
There are many types of spiritual awakening, and it can happen for many different reasons, the most important takeaway is this, “it will happen when it happens.”
Namaste 🙏🏾